Motley Cruise To Nowhere . . .



I think this is from a 1987 issue of Metal Edge. The last 2 scans are all I have of a Faces article on the MTV contest. Fans got picked to hang with the Motley boys on a boat. I didn’t have MTV in those days (still don’t, who the hell would want it) & no YouTube to check out the airing until the last few years so all I‘ve known or seen about this event was this article & pic. Nikki mentions the event in his The Heroin Diaries.


Looks like a fun trip, lucky bastards. Here’s what Paul Miles has for this date in his 1987 NEWS section at his awesome Chronological Crue webpage: 

Steve Deske and Mary Ann Rizzo win MTV’s Mötley Cruise to Nowhere competition and join the Crüe on a five-hour luxury boat cruise in the Bermuda Triangle, following a private cocktail party at the ritzy Elbow Beach Hotel the night before. Two wild cross-dressers attend the party, one who designed costumes for the band and happened to win a contest and one who later goes on to front The Toilet Boys as Miss Guy. The contest winners are driven around in limousines and given $1,000 spending money.”


And now, I’m going to furnish you with the luxury I did not have as a 1980s Crue Head, I’m going to show you the commercial for the special & then the entire 7 minute segment in all its washy, VHS glory! They were, strangely, more innocent times . . . even when you consider what these guys did for hobbies!



Just came across this three part video of one of the folks who were on the cruise. Miss Guy gives us some background to this classic moment in Motley history. Follow the links at YouTube for parts 2 & 3.


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